Getting off bad habits is a long and difficult process if you just decide and try to avoid them. If you have ever tried leaving a bad habit earlier, then you must know how challenging this can be. However, there are several proven methods you should go for to quit your bad habits more easily, from tracking your behavior to distracting yourself during cravings.
Generally, when we act repeatedly over time, it forms into a habit that we do without any thoughts. Later, our habits are processed in different parts of our brains than conscious thought. Here are five effective and scientific ways to break a bad habit.
- Create Awareness and Take Control
The initial step towards breaking a bad habit is bringing it into consciousness or awareness. Keep track of the score. When you wish to break a bad habit, take an index card, write your task and date, and make a checkmark for each activity done. After you become aware, you will be able to decrease it slowly until you finally quit.
- Avoid your triggers
The moment you have figured out the triggers that cause you to engage in the habit, you should try your best to avoid those situations. For example, if you know that you are always tempted to scroll social media the time you see your phone while working, keep it away from your sight. If you can avoid a triggering situation, it may help to plan how you’re going to prevent the behavior in advance.
- Replace the Behavior
Once you decide to break a bad habit, it is not just about avoiding triggers—consider substituting a different behavior that offers you the same satisfaction. For example, drinking alcohol allows you to blend different cocktails in the evenings. You can think of replacing this ritual with new mocktail recipes and get the same creative experience. So determine what kind of positive feelings you get from your bad habits, then think of a new habit to try that does not harm you.
- Distract
Whenever you feel a strong craving coming on, it can help to distract yourself with an engaging activity like calling a friend or watching your favorite TV show. Create a list and put it somewhere visible, like your refrigerator, so you don’t need to come up with an idea in the moment. Cravings usually last for minutes; if you can go through the time, you will surely be able to break your bad habit.
Exercising is always a good option; it forces you to focus on how your body is feeling instead of on your craving—try going for a 20 to 30-minute walk or jog to get through the worst of your craving.
- Reward Yourself
Generally, you start with a lot of enthusiasm. Slowly, it can begin to feed on bad days or when you’re not really seeing the effective benefits yet. Rewards will help you to stay motivated and less likely to give up o. First, create benchmarks for progress—after one month of avoiding the habit, you can take yourself out for a dinner at your favourite restaurant or a day trip. Always acknowledge and pat yourself on the back each time you resist temptation.
- Forgive Sometime
Breaking a bad habit is tough; there will be failures along the way. In this situation, getting angry or telling yourself that you’re a failure may make you feel demotivated and less likely to try quitting again.
Get out of the critical mindset; just imagine what you would say to a loved one who experienced a setback in the quitting process—you will try to be more encouraging.
Summing Up…
These are the effective ways to break a bad habit. After you have gotten off from your old bad habits, with a bit of time and some effort, these healthy behaviors can be converted into second nature.