The Best Influential Educational Leaders to Follow in 2024

The Best Influential Educational Leaders to Follow in 2024

Dr. Eythor Ivar Jonsson | President | Akademias | The education in sights

On The Cover

Dr. Eythor Ivar Jonsson: Crafting the Best Learning Programs

Building an organization from scratch and making it an immense success, especially in the education sector, is a strenuous task that requires sheer determination and effort. Few entrepreneurs succeed in being the forerunners of change in the education sector. One such notable educational leader who has gained great recognition in this field is Dr. Eythor Ivar Jonsson, President of Akademias, with his.....

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Education Leader's

Gregory Caremans: Changing the World, One Brain at a Time

Born out of fascination with the brain and frustration with traditional teaching methods, Brain Academy aims to reach and educate as many people as possible about the brain. It is a place where scientific research and self-improvement meet. Over a decade ago, the field of neuroscience underwent rapid advancements, unveiling a new understanding of human behavior. However, this knowledge was...

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Gareth Lock: An Inspirational and Enthralling Entrepreneur, Taking the Diving Experience to the Next Level

There are numerous business leaders trailblazing ideas and leading their domains, but how many are driving change for their community as a whole? One leader of such extraordinary qualities is Gareth Lock, the creator of The Human Diver, a niche organization offering courses, training, and support for those who want to be the new pioneers in diving excellence. Gareth has...

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Alison Hampshire: The Award-winning Innovator and School Leader, Nurturing Future Leaders with the Right Skills Set and Knowledge at The Aga Khan Academy

A mentor, teacher, leader, and innovator, Alison Hampshire is a woman of many virtues. She is an experienced K–12 Principal recognized for fostering change and innovation in education. She is highly skilled in K–12 Education, Educational Technology, and Curriculum Development. The popular quote by Michelle Obama, "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish," is a perfect...

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Danielle De La Fuente: A Dynamic Businesswoman, Empowering Displaced and Disenfranchised Children at Amal Alliance

Here we are with our exclusive edition of the month, 'The 10 Most Inspiring Leaders in Education 2023, to honour all the inspirational business leaders who are redefining the industry. Our editorial team had an interesting and joyful virtual session with a dynamic, results-driven leader and the leading lady behind Amal Alliance – Danielle De La Fuente. Danielle De La...

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Insights Edu

Top 8 Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence is a technological field that gives unbelievable results in every field where it is used. AI introduced automation and easiness in most of the systems. Like the other fields, it shows its progressive developments in the education system throughout the world. AI drastically changes the education system in the future as well, but currently, it also improves the...

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Vocational education, also known as career and technical education, prepares students to work in a particular sector. Carpentry, culinary arts, automotive technology, electrical construction, graphic communications, and medical vocations are some of the trades covered by schools. Years ago, vocational education was regarded solely for high school students who did not want to attend college. That has altered dramatically in...

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