Most Impactful Education Leaders Doing Great in 2024

Most Impactful Education Leaders Doing Great in 2024

On The Cover

Ellenore Angelidis: Empowering and Educating Young Minds in Ethiopia and Creating a Brighter Future

Ellenore Angelidis is a multifaceted individual who balances a demanding career as a business leader, author, and community builder while being a dedicated mother of three. With over three decades of experience, she specializes in consulting with leaders and businesses on building practices and tools that support innovation and win-win negotiation results. Her expertise includes business negotiations, team leadership and development, problem-solving,.....

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Education Leader's

Gareth Lock: An Inspirational and Enthralling Entrepreneur, Taking the Diving Experience to the Next Level

There are numerous business leaders trailblazing ideas and leading their domains, but how many are driving change for their community as a whole? One leader of such extraordinary qualities is Gareth Lock, the creator of The Human Diver, a niche organization offering courses, training, and support for those who want to be the new pioneers in diving excellence. Gareth has...

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FreedomProject Academy: Educating Americans with Top-notch Classical Education from Kindergarten to High School

Modern technologies have shoved the needle in the education landscape by introducing digitally enabled learning environments. A multitude of educational institutions and schools are facilitating this significant move in the direction of making education effortlessly accessible. FreedomProject Academy is one of the innovative initiatives that aspire to faithfully educate American children in classical education from kindergarten through high school, outside...

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Insights Edu

Top 8 Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence is a technological field that gives unbelievable results in every field where it is used. AI introduced automation and easiness in most of the systems. Like the other fields, it shows its progressive developments in the education system throughout the world. AI drastically changes the education system in the future as well, but currently, it also improves the...

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